Wednesday, November 7

Halloween Night

I decided to ditch the witch costume on halloween night being that I didn´t look too attractive. Keith and Kate and I went over to Thomas´s house in the evening and had some drinks before moving on to Carlos´ house. Carlos, one of Keith´s students, is a 26 year old lawyer and an all around good guy. Carlos lives in a huge apartment and has introduced us to several of his Spanish friends, which has been a great help to us in practicing our Spanish. After a few hours of chatting and drinking in the apartment, we moved on to a dance club called Art Deco. I really didn´t want to go, being that it was 3am but I had left my keys in the apartment and Keith wouldn´t let me borrow his since he wanted me to try out the night club. Soon we arrived at Art Deco but with the massive crowd, 10€ drinks and crappy music I wasn´t too excited to be there (though I´m disguising it well in the pictures). I got through it though, and when Keith finally grew tired of the club we went home and slept through the next day.

Kate, Me, and Katie

Keith and me

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